Getting Students Started on the Road to Cultural Competency, the Journey of a Lifetime
Ann Jordan has been a learner and a teacher for almost her entire life at every level, from elementary through high school, and now works with adults. She began her teaching career in the Salinas Valley and retired in 2018 from full-time teaching at Los Gatos High School to coach and train teachers across the U.S. in the Japanese Language Education Assistant Program (J-LEAP). She is a past vice-president and president of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese and has received the California Language Teachers Association Outstanding Teacher Award as well as recognition as a Santa Clara County Teacher of the Year and the California League of Middle Schools Teacher of the Year. She has also served as College Board Advisor on the AP Japanese Language Development Committee and is currently on the CLTA advocacy team.
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The participants who find all the correct English translations AND identify the language (they will need to ask around) could enter the raffle to win a $50 Amazon card on Nov 4, 2023!