FLANC 2024 Conference

Saturday, 2 November 2024 - Harker School, San Jose

Conference Theme:

Language Teaching Methodologies:  Utopian Classroom Environments vs. Our Reality

Keynote Speker:

Dr. Julio C Rodríguez

Center for Language and Technology (CLT) Director

Julio C Rodriguez (NFLRC Director) is the director of the Center for Language & Technology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He has published and presented extensively on instructional technology and design-based research, including a co-edited first major publication on design-based research in computer-assisted language learning. In the last 25 years, he has lead several instructional design and technology integration projects. Within the broad field of instructional technology, his primary interests are in the areas of faculty development and the design and implementation of quality online learning experiences. He leads a professional development program for faculty to assist in the conversion of courses to the online mode, which includes projects such as the design and development of interactive learning environments and the exploration of pedagogical frameworks that support the creation of highly engaging learning experiences, such as project-based learning. Rodriguez has lead and participated in over 20 grant-funded research and materials development projects including an award-winning online course.

Mapping AI to Teacher Knowledge and Learning Standards

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping all aspects of language education. This presentation will focus on the practical applications of AI in support of language education. We will first address the knowledge and skills that teachers need to build in order to develop AI fluency, and effectively integrate AI into the conceptualization, design, and implementation of language learning experiences. Then we will explore how AI can help foster engaging language learning. Practical examples will illustrate how AI can be mapped to the standards and promote learner autonomy.