Dear Colleague:
We would like to encourage you to become a member or renew your membership of FLANC. Being a member of FLANC is key, as we all strive to encourage effective world language teaching for the benefit of our future bilingual, trilingual, and even polyglot youth. You will, of course, receive our FLANC Newsletters as a member, so make sure to join/renew soon. Your membership entitles you to reduced registration rates at FLANC Conferences and Workshops. Members also receive all our Newsletters and Flyers each year, along with bookmarkers and some teaching tips for your classroom. The dues schedule can be found in the attachment below, and remember, your yearly dues are tax deductible. Thank you for being a world languages teacher and for your interest in FLANC. Your active involvement and participation in our association are important to the success of world language teaching and learning in California.
Teach on!
We encourage you to use our website to register; however, if you would like to renew your membership by mail, please complete this form (docx or pdf file) and mail it to:
J Francisco Zermeño C
P.O. Box 92 FLANC
Mt. Eden, CA 94557
For more info: phone 1.510.732.2746 / fax 1.510.732.6624