Fall 2014 Workshop and Conference

Our conference theme/title this year is: "Tweet Languages, Tweet #FLANC"


Fall Workshop and Conference will be Friday, November 7 (workshop) and Saturday, November 8 (conference) at Berkeley City College2050 Center St, Berkeley, CA 94704

  • Conference Program
  • Registration: after November 5th only on-site registration is available. Payment can be made with cash, check or credit card.
Where is Berkeley City College located? (google maps) / Public Transportation - City of Berkeley2014 Alexandra C. Wallace Essay Contest, by Ed Stering

donOur Keynote speaker this year will be Don Doehla

Co-Director, Berkeley World Language Project; French Teacher; Facilitator @Edutopia; Team Moderator #Langchat @TwitterI was reluctant to get on social media, until I was stuck at home for 6 weeks convalescing from surgery. And now? I am hooked! I’ll talk about how and why I decided to become a "connected educator" and how that has changed my career, my outlook, and how it has helped me become a better teacher.  I look forward to seeing you all on November 8th!

FLANC Friday Workshops, November 7, 2014, 4:00-6:00 PM, Berkeley City College

we will meet in the 2nd floor room 216 at 3:15pmDeborahLemonHS2-3Paint(1) "Teaching in Facebook" - presented by Deborah Lemon, Ohlone College and @One.

This step-by-step workshop will walk you through setting a customized Facebook Group for your classes. We will examine many of the features and experience sample activities and the integration of other social media applications. Bonus: Security / privacy settings and lists! In English with examples in Spanish. For secondary and post-secondary levels. (BCC 2nd floor room 212)

CCSS-Wordle(2) "What's So Scary About Common Core? NOTHING!" - presented by Nancy Salsig, Berkeley World Language Project, with Carol Sparks, California State University, East Bay.

In this session participants will explore the alignment of Common Core Literacy and World Language Standards.  They will practice reading strategies with culturally authentic texts. Participants will experience a variety of strategies they can teach their students to help them achieve the Standards. In English with examples in French, Spanish and English. For all levels. (BCC 2nd floor room 214)

Nancy Alonso

A FLANC first / Por primera vez en FLANCSaturday November 8th, at the exhibits, acclaimed Cuban short story writer, Nancy Alonso will be available to sign books.Alonso is a writer known for her ability to describe circumstances of everyday life in Cuba with insight, empathy and humor. At FLANC she will share information about her short stories and answer questions about how Cuba has changed and is changing in the 21st century.Two books will be available for sale.Closed for Repairs (an English translation of Cerrado por reparación) Humorous stories about the Special Period in Cuba - $10Disconnect/Desencuentro a bilingual edition of Alonso's 3rd collection of short stories with original illustrations - $12Para los maestros de español:Nancy leerá algunos de sus cuentos en La Peña en Berkeley de 5:00 a 7:00 el sábado, 8 de noviembre. Entrada gratis.


President’s Message – Fall 2014


AATSP NC workshops for Spanish and Portuguese Teachers