Fall Workshops and Conference - Saturday, October 29 at Berkeley City College
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Fall Workshops and Conference will be Saturday, October 29 at Berkeley City College: 2050 Center St, Berkeley, CA 94704 (google maps)
Special Presentations / Keynote Addresses:
11:00-11:30: Yo Azama
"The Teacher as an Artist. Inspire and Engage Learners in the 21st Century World Language Classroom"
Azama currently teaches Japanese at North Salinas High School and World Language Teaching Method course at California State University, Monterey Bay is a team leader of the Monterey Bay World Language Project. He has conducted numerous presentations and seminars regionally, nationally, and internationally on various topics including; Motivational Curriculum & Syllabus Design, Classroom Management,and Effective use of Technology in World Language Classroom. In 2003, he served as a member of the Instructional Materials Advisory Panel for the California Department of Education.He has also served as a College Board Advisor for AP Japanese Language and Culture Development Committee. He has been the recipient of numerous awards such as the 2012 ACTFL Language Teacher of the Year, Outstanding Teacher of America Award by Carlston Family Foundation, the Robert J. Ludwig Distinguished Leadership Award, and Elgin Heinz Teaching Excellence Award just to name a few. His teaching has been featured in the Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Video Library by WGBH Boston in 2003.
11:30-12:00: Mark Kaiser
"Teaching Languages in Context: How foreign languages can survive in the digital age"
Mark Kaiser received his PhD from the University of Michigan in 1989. He has taught Russian at Brigham Young University and Illinois State University, where he was the director of the Russian Studies program. He came to Berkeley in 1996, where he has served as Associate Director of the Berkeley Language Center and occasional lecturer in Russian.He is the project director of the "Library of Foreign Language Film Clips", an online database of film clips for teaching language and culture in the foreign language curriculum.

Special-Interest session (AATSP-NC)
1:30-2:20 | Book presentation: Brujos, espiritistas y vanguardistas. - (Room 212)by Fabián Banga, in conversation with Anne Fountain, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese President, and Sandra García Sanborn, FLANC President.The title is Brujos, espiritistas y vanguardistas (Witches, spiritualists and avant-garde) and was published by Editorial Leviatán (Argentina). The book explores the representation of esoteric traditions in the aesthetic projects of the avant-garde literary movements in Latin-American and Spain of the early twentieth century.Main Language of Presentation: Spanish-English
Fall Workshops and Conference will be Saturday, October 29 at Berkeley City College: 2050 Center St, Berkeley, CA 94704Where is Berkeley City College located? (google maps) / Public Transportation - City of Berkeley

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