2020 FLANC Virtual Conference in collaboration with AATSP-NorCal – October 3rd

2020 FLANC Virtual Conference in collaboration with AATSP-NorCal – October 3rd, 2020. “Diversity and Languages” is our motto. Register below.

Registered attendees will get the links to the respective presentations/presenters.

Brief Agenda:

  • 08:00-08:45 PDT Welcome and Registration
  • 08:45-09:00 PDT Opening Remarks and Announcements
  • 09:00-10:00 PDT Dr. Rachel Hammond: Developing Social Presence
  • 10:00-10:30 PDT Break and Exhibition
  • 10:30-11:30 PDT Dr. Betty Lou Leaver and Dr. Christine Campbell: Open Architecture Curricular Design

Post-conference Survey Link

Dr. Betty Lou Leaver and Dr. Christine Campbell are this year Keynote Speakers and co-presenters at our Conference, Saturday, October 3, presenting the plenary presentation: Open Architecture Curricular Design.
Hope that you join us! 

Dr. Betty Lou
Leaver, Ph.D.

Betty Lou Leaver (Ph.D., Pushkin Institute, Moscow) is Director of The Literary Center of San Juan Bautista. She previously served as provost, associate provost, and dean at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC). She established the language program for the International Space Station (NASA); served as a language training supervisor at the Foreign Service Institute, curriculum developer for the Federal Foreign Language Training Lab, dean at the New York Institute of Technology in Jordan, president of the American Global Studies Institute, co-director of the Center for the Advancement of Distinguished Language Proficiency at San Diego State University, and founding director of the Center for the Languages of the Central Asian Region at Indiana University. She has published 21 books and more than 100 articles. Her transformative education efforts at DLIFLC received the 2015 Nikolai Khardajian Award for Innovation in International Education by the American Association of University Administrators.

Campbell Photo
Dr. Christine Campbell, Ph.D.

Christine Campbell (Ph.D., Purdue University) is President, Campbell Language Consultants, having worked in a variety of positions at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center before retiring as Associate Provost. She has been a member of several editorial boards, reviewer for journals such as Hispania, and published book chapters, articles, and a column in The Modern Language Journal. She is Co-Editor of Transformative Language Learning and Teaching (at press), to be published by Cambridge University Press. She has provided service to the profession as President of the American Association of the Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese and as Chair, Task Force Committee, whose purpose is to revise the World Readiness Standards in Spanish. She was also Director of Test Development, National Spanish Examinations and a member of the Board of Governors, UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching. She received the Civilian of the Year Award for the Ninth Region from the Association of the United States Army in 1996 and was named Distinguished Alumna by Purdue University in 1994. Recently, she received the 2020 Distinguished Leadership Award from the American Association of the Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.

Rachel Hammond (Doctor of Business Administration, Anderson University)
Associate Professor and Division Chair of Business at Cornerstone
University. Multi-faceted work experience includes Higher Education,
Banking, Human Resources, Training & Development, Mom Blogger and Law
Firm Support Staff. Specialties: banking, business communications,
customer service, human resources, management development,
organizational skills, performance management, speechwriting, teaching, developing training materials, writing, blog development and higher education.

  • FLANC 2020 Virtual Conference in collaboration with AATSP-NorCal
    8am-1pm on Saturday, October 3, 2020
    • The pre-register discount ends on September 27, 2020. 
  • For registration as an AATSP-NorCal member, please visit the Eventbrite site below and click on the green Register button on the right hand side.  Then, from the list of various tickets, select  "Members of AATSP-NorCal."
  • https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flanc-2020-virtual-conference-registration-112277916270

Conference Registration for Everyone:

  • Please register for the conference and exhibition at Eventbrite.

Exhibition Corner
Exhibitors: please download the invitation letter for benefits, terms
and conditions, exhibition time slots, etc.

Please note that the exhibitor's form and terms/conditions are different from Conference Conference attendance. Please see Eventbrite for details.

  1. Visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flanc-2020-virtual-conference-registration-112277916270  
  2. Click on the Register button
  3. Select "Exhibitor Pre-registration" which is the last one on the list
  4. Click on the Checkout button
  5. Fill out the Registration Form
  6. Click the Place Order button

  • Exhibitor’s benefits include: Presentation session at the conference
    • Sponsor recognition in the conference program
    • Sponsor recognition in FLANC newsletter
    • Sponsor recognition on FLANC website



President's Page, Fall 2020


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