Dan Mateo Adults School - Instant Italian I - 15 September 2020
Dan Mateo Adult School and Continuing Edu at CSM are glad to inform you that the following Italian classes online Via Zoom will be offered very soon:
Instant Italian I! Online Via Zoom-Community Education, Tuesday, September 15-Tuesday, November 17 at 7.00-9.00pm at College of San Mateo, San Mateo (No Credit). (10 meetings) Visit communityed.smccd.edu for more info.
Instant Italian II! Online Via Zoom-Community Education, Wednesday, September 16-Wednesday, November 18 at 7.00-9.00pm at College of San Mateo, San Mateo (No Credit). (10 meetings) Visit communityed.smccd.edu for more info.
Conversational Italian 1 Online Via Zoom-San Mateo Adult School, Thursday, September 17-Thursday, November 19 at 6.30-8.30pm at San Mateo Adult School, San Mateo (No Credit). (10meetings) Visit sanmateoadulted.org for more info.
Tiziana Balestra